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Welcome to Arthur & Carmichael

We pride ourselves on providing high quality legal advice and a personal service. We recognise that you will be looking for our support at the most important and challenging times for you and your business. We pride ourselves on having an established local presence and national reach. With an enviable range of skills and expertise we have what it takes to become your trusted advisors and will guide you through whatever challenges you face.



Business Update 

Our offices at Cathedral Square, Dornoch are open to all clients and prospective clients. Please make an appointment by contacting us by telephone on 01862 810 202 or email to:- mail@arthur-carmichael.co.uk for general enquiries and properties@arthur-carmichael.co.uk for property enquiries.

To view our current property listing or to register on our website for any updates please visit the property page.

We are a firm of solicitors based in Dornoch tracing our origins back to the 1880s. We pride ourselves on providing high quality legal advice and a personal service. We understand that our advice is often sought at some of the most important and challenging times in our clients' lives. Our partners' blend of local knowledge and city experience means that we have what it takes to become trusted advisors to our clients and guide them through whatever challenges they face.

Contact Information

Cathedral Square, Dornoch
IV25 3SW Scotland

T: +44 (0)1862 810202


  • © Arthur & Carmichael LLP